
1979 Revolution Black Friday APK

1979 Revolution Black Friday APK Finally Arrived on Android.
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February 7, 2017
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1979 Revolution Black Friday APK Finally Arrived on Android. this game is done very much in the style of Telltale Games and so I thought that indie developer that is able to do something like this. based on true story from 1979’s Revolution in Iran. Beautiful story and classy gameplay.Try 1979 Revolution APK Black Friday now if you are a fan of TellTale series.

This game really deserves some recognition and attention. Black Friday it is a story-driven adventure game that is based on the true events that took place in Iran in 1979 now the game is very similar and how it plays in fields to a telltale Games title in the sense that it is very much choice driven narrative game. game this most certainly is not what this honor game is usually fairly light on the action Custer instead on delivering a well-written and thought-out story using visual effects and voice acting coupled with some well-placed real life video footage now.

Story driven interspersed with QuickTime events and timed dialogue options that help create a diversion story with multiple potential outcomes for multiple characters. now I feel the quick time events to not be overused or out of place which is actually a fairly significant feeds and a method that can easily be abused to hear stories and interviews and interactive did an extremely good job at realizing where the line was.

Game has literally great graphics definitely serviceable and better than I initially expected. Telltales level graphics but they don’t need to be here and they do a good job with what they are attempting to do and the motion-capture held at a very nice touch the game was a fantastic addition. you know guys with no crashes and no noticeable bugs I found the game to be very stable and I really couldn’t find in the issue complaints with the overall core mechanics of the game.

The story has you follow in the main character reso who is a photojournalist caught up in the uprisings against the shot in the city of Tehran along with residues best friend Bob Aguilar led through a fascinating story that was very much based on true events. The authors claim the story is fueled by firsthand testimonies of freedom fighters witnesses and casualties of the Iranian Revolution including Iran’s now notorious Evin prison and the voice acting in this game is on par with a triple a quality delivery and was very welcome surprise to me here the game also doubles down on the realism with the real life photos and even a home movies. The characters and everything about this game just showed me that these guys really puts an honest effort and soul into it they did a great job and at the price point if you were a fan of a telltale Games series style in this game is definitely worth checking out.

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2 comments on "1979 Revolution Black Friday APK 1.1.9"

  1. Anonymous says:

    wont start, only title screen s10+ exy please help

    • Royal Gamer says:

      Its a latest version and also untouched files are uploaded here. if you are facing any problem then wait for the game updates

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